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Sites to know for student assignments throughout the school year. 

Google Classroom

Google Classroom was developed by Google for schools. This will be the students' class website where assignments, lessons, announcements, and reminders will be posted. Work will also be graded on this site.  


Students can add themselves to their class by using the code below. 

Period 5:
Period 7/8:
Period 1/3:


Khan Academy is a website we will be using to help students learn and improve their grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills.

Students will be assigned videos or exercises to complete which will be graded. 


Students can add themselves to their class by clicking their class below.

Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a classroom communication app used to share reports between parents and teachers. It connects parents and teachers on a student's conduct and performance through real-time reports as well as a feed for photos and videos during the school day.



Period 1/3:
Period 7/8:
Period 5:
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